Couples Counseling

Life, in general, is not easy. Especially relationships at work, home, school need adjustments and calibration. We do that through applying cognition, feelings, behaviors. When these are not in congruence and when mental, physical, emotional equilibrium is lost, individuals-adult, adolescent, and children feel isolated, invalidated, and devalued. Then they struggle with fear of losing self or others, insecurities set in, unresolved resentments and conflicts leads to severe stress, poor physical health issues surfaces, emotional challenges and conditions such as anxiety and depression sets in. When the stress is severe it can even lead to unsafe behaviors and suicidal thoughts and ideations. Combined with unrealistic expectations on self, others, partners making a difficult situation even worse.

Unhealthy Couple Behaviors

  • Finger pointing and blaming
  • Abusive and system involvement (CWW, Police)
  • Aggressive and Passive
  • Threatening
  • Condescending
  • Withholding love, withholding money
  • Preventing from meeting children/ parents offshore


Healthy Couple behaviors

  • Active listening and regard for partnerAgree to disagree
  • Agree to disagree
  • Makeup after fight
  • Power of touch and cuddles
  • Compassion and forgiveness
  • Fair fighting rules
  • Managing conflicts and confrontations effectively
  • Alignment on financial and life goals